As a creative bunch we often find ourselves ooh-ing and aah-ing over all sorts of design work, packaging, branding and websites and we're not afraid to share the good work of others! In fact, our inspiration comes in so many forms that we've decided to start a regular blog post (un)imaginately titled, Stuff We Like.
Kickstarting the series we are really pleased to feature the work of Cardiff based designer and illustrator, Matt Needle.

Matt's freelance studio, Needle Design was founded in 2008 and he has an impressive client list including Amnesty International, Hugo Boss and WIRED UK.

We're big fans of Matt's work, especially his lovely film posters (which you can buy in his print store). He clearly has a talent for reimagining posters for some classic films and his style is well liked here in the Toward studio. We may have to put an order in fairly soon!

Find out more about Matt on his site and be sure to pop along to his shop... and don't forget your wallet!
Used with permission © Matt Needle