Y3S called on Toward to solve this problem
We ran internal workshops to gain a deep understanding of the current view and future ambition of Y3S. We also conducted market research to find out how the company was perceived externally.
Using our research we developed a more mature and distinctive brand vision, while maintaining the company’s well admired sense of humour. We helped the management team to develop core values and a mission that reflected what the company is today, and engaged the staff with a totally different type of company handbook.
Since the rebrand, Y3S has now successfully repositioned itself as the market authority, increased its revenues, made a series of strategic acquisitions and opened a second office in Manchester. Staff, both long-standing and new feel much more engaged with the company mission.

The work Toward have have done has changed the way people think of Y3S, both inside the company and out. Thanks to them we have a renewed vision for the future.