They say that some things happen for a reason. I’ve never quite known what to make of that, but in the case of the newest member of the Toward team I believe fate may well have brought us together.
That may sound like mumbo jumbo, but when you’re tasked with filling the boots of a treasured member of staff, a chance encounter with an ideal candidate at just the right time certainly felt like fate to me.
Replacing Rob was never going to be an easy task. His passion for what he did, his love for the company, his personality in the studio and general contribution were always going to be difficult to replace. But in his replacement I think we’ve found qualities that tick every box.
I first met Sarah a few months back when I attended the brilliant Creative Mornings Cardiff often held in Gloworks. She was running the event, clearly with lots of things to deal with. The first thing I noticed was that she seemed to captivate everyone in the room. She was bubbly, engaging and seemed to get on well with those she spoke to. We had a brief chat and without knowing what her job role was, we parted ways.
Fast forward to just over a month ago when myself and Tom were wondering how we could replace Rob when that fateful liaison took place. Bumping into Sarah at Ignite Cardiff two days after Rob broke the news to us was coincidental and accidental. We spoke about the event and after a while I learned about her plans for change. A couple of meetings later and the deal was done. Sarah agreed to be a Toward team member!
During those meetings I discovered that Sarah is meticulously well organised, has a real passion for content, comes with brilliant studio experience having worked at Mark Boulton Design, Five Simple Steps, Do Lectures and Sequence. She has an infectious personality delivered with a very gentle nature. A perfect fit for our team.
We spoke about the importance of content, tone, structure and strategy. We spoke about how we see messaging, design and technical build cross over. We talked about the importance of good, open communication with all of our clients and how seriously we take studio management. Sarah gets it. This is what she knows and this is what she’s been doing successfully in her previous roles.
Sarah (Moz, Saz, Mozzy…) is our Head of Content. She’ll work with clients to help them position themselves, to understand their personality through the words they use and the tone they are written in. She’ll write brilliant, meaningful and effective copy. She’ll help develop website structures, and create content and communication strategies. She’ll also be working closely with Bryn making sure the studio and projects continue to be managed brilliantly.
Sarah also brings Creative Mornings Cardiff with her to Toward. If you don’t already know, Creative Mornings is a monthly meet up and lecture over breakfast for the creative community, started in NYC by Tina Roth Eisenberg. Having been to a number of the events we’re really excited to get involved. We’re looking forward to adding our support and helping to add to the growing creative community in Cardiff.
Ladies and gentleman, I give you the newest member of the Toward team, Sarah Morris. We’re delighted to have her on board!
You can say hello to Sarah at sarah@toward.studio, follow her on Twitter @iamburley and follow Creative Mornings Cardiff at @CM_Cardiff