Toward sponsors a bright Idea (and Mike gets on his bike!)

By Toward,

February 2011


Have you ever found yourself asking whose bright idea was this? That's exactly the question on the lips of our Business Director, Mike, and with good reason. In April 2011, nineteen businessmen (including Mike) are embarking on a cycling challenge that the Top Gear team would be proud of. They are cycling from North to South Wales in just 4 days. That's a total of 260 miles!

Website integrating Twitter, Flickr, a CMS and a blog

We know what you're thinking and it's exactly the question we asked Mike. Why? Well there are actually a range of valid reasons including personal challenges, a desire to get fit and not least of all, the fact that they are hoping to raise £20,000 for charity, including the St David's Foundation.

We're actually really proud of Mike for taking part and have every confidence that he'll cross that finish line as planned. Although we didn't think that when he first told us about the challenge because after he shared with us what he was about to do he quickly added, 'I haven't been on a bike since I was 11'. You can imagine the smirks in the studio!

The map and riders

But credit where credit is due, Mike has thrown himself into the challenge and has bought all the top-notch gear including, thankfully, a bike! He has also been training hard, so as a further sign of Toward's support we have decided to sponsor the design for the challenge, creating an identity and website for Whose Bright Idea Was This?

Twitter and mile tracker detail The homepage contains a live Twitter feed and mile tracker

We're especially proud of this project because it focuses on user generated content, social media and interaction, resulting in a hub where followers, friends and families can get a snapshot of exactly how the challenge is going at any given time. The website includes a mile tracker, live Twitter stream, live photo gallery from Flickr, a blog and a live counter for money raised.

All of these will be updated from the saddle during the four days and you can also follow along on Twitter by following @whosebrightidea

Whose Bright Idea Was This? twitter profile We also applied the brand to the Twitter profile

If you'd like to help the guys hit their £20,000 target please donate on the Just Giving page. We'll be promoting, supporting and following Mike and the 18 other riders throughout the challenge and our support will be rewarded with the greatest of gifts, a nice quite studio for 4 days whilst Mike is away!

Visit the website at

Good luck Mike (and all the other riders)!